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Portfolio Creation Process

What do you think about the process of creating your portfolios?
I thoroughly enjoyed this project. Though I will admit that it was sometimes stressful to try and get them done in time, but I believe that to be more due to my enthusiasm for the project and having a vision that was possibly above my skill level. Overall I thought this was a valuable project and I enjoyed getting Jamie's feedback as well as my peers to find out what was working and was could use some improvement. 
What is your opinion about the the tools - comparing InDesign to Website (Wix or Wordpress)?
I enjoyed InDesign and Wix both about the same level. They are both great programs that each have their specific challenges, but are rather successful in their own right. However, I found Wordpress to be incredibly difficult to use and transfer the same aesthetic from my print portfolio over to my website, which is why I decided to completely scrap the work I had done on Wordpress. Comparatively, it took me a fraction of the time to create what I wanted with Wix than the tiny bit of work I was able to complete on Wordpress. Wix was user-friendly, customizable, and intuitive- all qualities I appreciated in bringing my art and vision as a future teacher alive.  
What were your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?
My biggest challenge was definitely trying to use Wordpress as a website builder, especially when it came to customization. I would say my second biggest challenge though was trying to implement the class feedback I received from my print portfolio while still staying within my own vision and to a degree my own comfort zone.
What was your favorite aspect of creating the portfolios?
The aesthetic! I definitely appreciated seeing my work (somewhat) professionally organized and packaged. It made me quite excited and proud to soon present (an elevated form of) this portfolio to perspective school districts. 
Do you think your portfolio is successful? Why or why not?
Yes, I thought it showcased my personality and artistic style, as well as educational approach quite well. Though I do intend in making some tweaks and perfecting in the future. 
How do you think your portfolio will change as you approach graduation and the job application process? 
I believe I will include more of a breadth of work (not just my photography), as well as adding lesson plans, and deepening my teaching philosophy. But overall I am happy with the aesthetics and layout of what I have created in this class. 
